Downtown Depot: Bobby Tatum
On Episode 58 of Downtown Depot, host Austin Meek interviews Bobby Tatum. As the Fire Chief for the City of Waco, Tatum explains the training required for the job, why he's championing diversity on staff, and what it means to serve a community. Before that conversation, Meek sits down with Gregg Glime and Austin Hooper for updates on Waco's commercial and residential real estate sectors.
Inside the Episode:
Bobby Tatum with show host Austin Meek
0:46 - What’s Happening Here? with Gregg Glime
4:38 - The Residential Recap with Austin Hooper
9:15 - Bobby Tatum’s Waco History
10:43 - What drew him to fire fighting
12:53 - What he knew about Waco before moving here
14:09 - Differences between his positions in Fort Worth and Waco
15:21 - The culture of the Waco Fire Department
18:12 - Traits of fire fighters
19:19 - What happens after the call
21:50 - Fire station locations
23:43 - Takeaways from the Leadership Waco program
25:38 - Hiring for the department